124 Episoden
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 31.07.1970 (ARD / Das Erste)
Die drei straffällig gewordenen Anfang Zwanzigjährigen Pete Cochran (Michael Cole), Lincoln Hayes (Clarence Williams III) und Julie Barnes (Peggy Lipton) bekommen vom Police Captain Adam Greer (Tige Andrews) die Chance, ihr Leben wieder auf die Reihe zu bekommen und fortan sollen die drei als Undercover Cops für ihn tätig werden, weil diese von den Verbrechern nicht als Cops erkannt werden. Zusammen mit ihrem schrottreifen Dienstwagen, der den Namen "Woody" bekommt nehmen sie ihren Dienst auf.
Die Serie wirkt wie ein Vorgänger des späteren "21, Jump Street". Serienerfinder Bud Ruskin war früher selbst als Polizist und Privatdetektiv tätig, so dass er sein eigenes Wissen in die Serie einfliessen lassen konnte. In Deutschland wurden nur 18 der 123 Episoden ausgestrahlt. Die Serie war damals auch in Deutschland sehr beliebt, weswegen es erstaunlich ist, warum nur so wenig Folgen eingekauft wurden.
Michael Cole - Pete Cochran
Clarence Williams III - Lincoln 'Linc' Hayes
Peggy Lipton - Julie Barnes
Tige Andrews - Capt. Adam Greer
1. Staffel
1.101 (The Teeth of the Barracuda)
2.102 (Bad Man on Campus)
3.103 (My, What a Pretty Bus)
4.104 (When Smitty Comes Marching Home)
5.105 (You Can't Tell the Players Without a Programmer)
6.106 Nacht ohne Erinnerung (A Time to Love - A Time to Cry)
7.107 Wo ist Tara Chapman? (Find Tara Chapman!)
8.108 Der Feind im Dunkel (The Price of Terror)
9.109 Ein gefährliches Wochenende (A Quiet Weekend in the Country)
10.110 (Love)
11.111 (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Starlet)
12.112 (The Guru)
13.113 Mord in Las Vegas (The Sunday Drivers)
14.114 (Hello Mother, My Name Is Julie)
15.115 (Flight Five Doesn't Answer)
16.116 Ein Fall für Julie (Shell Game)
17.117 (Fear Is the Bucking Horse)
18.118 (A Hint of Darkness, A Hint of Light)
19.119 Die Spur führt nach Millers Springs (The Uptight Town)
20.120 (A Reign of Guns)
21.121 Das Versteck (A Run for the Money)
22.122 Das Haus in der Bliss Street (Child of Sorrow, Child of Light)
23.123 (Keep the Faith, Baby)
24.124 (Captain Greer, Call Surgery)
25.125 (Peace Now - Arly Blau)
26.126 (A Seat by the Window)
2. Staffel
27.201 (The Girl in Chair Nine)
28.202 Ich heiße Manolete (My Name Is Manolete)
29.203 Greer in eigener Sache (An Eye for an Eye)
30.204 Die Tote im Canyon (Ride the Man Down)
31.205 (To Link, with Love)
32.206 (Lisa)
33.207 (Confrontation!)
34.208 (Willie Poor Boy)
35.209 Ein Fehler in der Rechnung (The Death of Bill Hannachek)
36.210 (A Place to Run, A Heart to Hide In)
37.211 (The Healer)
38.212 (In This Corner - Sol Albert)
39.213 (Never Give the Fuzz an Even Break)
40.214 Eine alte Rechnung (The Debt)
41.215 Ein Cowboy aus Chicago (Sweet Child of Terror)
42.216 (The King of Empty Cups)
43.217 (A Town Called Sincere)
44.218 (The Exile)
45.219 Der letzte Trip (Survival House)
46.220 (Mother of Sorrow)
47.221 (The Deadly Sin)
48.222 (A Time for Remembering)
49.223 (Return to Darkness, Return to Light)
50.224 (Call Back Yesterday)
51.225 Der Lippenstiftmörder (Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot!)
52.226 Fahrerflucht (The Loser)
3. Staffel
53.301 (Long Road Home)
54.302 (See the Eagles Dying)
55.303 (Who Are the Keepers, Who Are the Inmates?)
56.304 ('A' Is for Annie)
57.305 (The Song of Willie)
58.306 (Search And Destroy)
59.307 (Just Ring the Bell Once)
60.308 (Welcome to the Human Race, Levi Frazee!)
61.309 (A Far Away Place So Near)
62.310 (A Time of Hyacinths)
63.311 (The Judas Trap)
64.312 (Fever)
65.313 (Is There Anyone Left Is Santa Paula?)
66.314 (A Short Course in War)
67.315 (Kicks Incorporated)
68.316 (A Bummer for R.J.)
69.317 (The Hot, Hot Car)
70.318 (Suffer, Little Children)
71.319 (Is That Justice? No, It's Law)
72.320 (A Double for Danger)
73.321 (Welcome to Our City)
74.322 (The Comeback)
75.323 (We Spy)
76.324 (The Price of Love)
4. Staffel
77.401 (The Sentinels)
78.402 (Cricket)
79.403 (Home Is the Streets)
80.404 (Survival)
81.405 (Color of Laughter, Color of Tears)
82.406 (The Medicine Men)
83.407 (The Sands of Anger)
84.408 (The Poisoned Mind)
85.409 (Exit the Closer)
86.410 (Whatever Happened to Linc Hayes?)
87.411 (And a Little Child Shall Bleed Them)
88.412 (The Loser)
89.413 (Death of a Nobody)
90.414 (Feet of Clay)
91.415 (I Am My Brother's Keeper)
92.416 (Deal with the Devil)
93.417 (Kill Gently, Sweet Jessie)
94.418 (Shockwave)
95.419 (No More Oak Leaves for Ernie Holland)
96.420 (The Cave)
97.421 (The Wild Weekend)
98.422 (The Tangled Web)
99.423 (Outside Position)
100.424 (Big George)
5. Staffel
101.501 (The Connection (1))
102.502 (The Connection (2))
103.503 (The Thunder Makers)
104.504 (Yesterday's Ashes)
105.505 (A Gift for Jenny)
106.506 (Taps, Play It Louder)
107.507 (Eyes of the Beholder)
108.508 (Good Times Are Just Memories)
109.509 (Corbey)
110.510 (Can You Hear Me Out There?)
111.511 (Another Final Game)
112.512 (Crime Club)
113.513 (The Twain)
114.514 (Belinda -- End of Little Miss Bubble Gum)
115.515 (Kristie)
116.516 (Sanctuary)
117.517 (Run, Lincoln, Run)
118.518 (Don't Kill My Child)
119.519 (Death in High Places)
120.520 (Put Out the Welcome Mat for Death)
121.521 (Scion of Death)
122.522 (The Night Holds Terror)
123.523 (Cry Uncle)
124.524 (And Once for My Baby)